Friday 21 March 2014


My cat was called Meggy. She was gorgeous and was so affectionate towards me, she would rub her head all over my face and purr so loudly. However, she had a rapidly growing tumour and it would have only been a few days until she would have either starved or suffocated which makes me feel sick. We had her put down on the 15th of March and I stayed with her the entire time. The last thing she saw was me and it was done in my room which I wanted because now I feel like she will always be there with me. Meggy was a gorgeous cat and she will always be my baby! I know that we saved her and although as heartbreaking as it is, I know we did the best. She had a wonderful last day in the sun and had so much affection given to her. I will love her and cherish the time I had with her forever.

I love you 


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